Well, Silje didn't want to wait for some dopey old levels to be taken, she wanted the breathing tube out now! Around noon she had had it and she gave it a good yank. Well, it didn't come all the way out, of course (it's about 10 inches in there!), but it did come out enough to be an obstruction to her breathing. Oh, hooray. As if dad's morning hadn't been full enough.
Though they claimed she was never in any real danger, the whole scene still made me nervous. There were six in the room. Mostly not doing much, but one was bagging her and it wasn't helping. They decided that they would just go ahead and remove the tube the rest of the way.
Then her breathing went up to about 100 breaths per minute (take a moment and see if you can do that!), and that made me more nervous. But, her oxygen level was rising and after about 10 minutes, she started to slow her breathing and things started to calm down.
So, she looks like this!
I think she's going to need another "spa day" to get a facial to get the rest of the tape remnants off her face. But for now, I'm just happy to see her cheeks.
We are so happy that the reports are good! Wonderful to see her beautiful little eyes open!
Still praying for you all to b able to go home soon and begin your family life with Stian....
Love, Prayers and Hugs!
Silje gets more beautiful with every removal of a tube, or tape or anything else covering her face.
She looks sooooo good. David and Leanne
It's good to see her beautiful little face again. And I'm glad everything turned out well. I'm thinking this little girl may be keeping you on your toes until she grows up! And maybe even after that!
We are so happy she is doing well,
Love, Mom and Dad
Beautiful girl! Thank you for all the updates :)
She looks fantastic! Sorry for the scare, but so glad she doesn't seem to need the breathing tube any longer!
Kris, you might need a spa day to recover from your own heart attack with the breathing tube incident! It is awesome to see her face. More baby and less hospital patient every day. :)
She looks much happier with the breathing tube out! I'm sure the whole incident gave you both a few gray hairs though!
She looks great! I bet she gave you quite the scare. Glad everything is looking up. Thank you for the updates!
From another Dec '07 mama!
YAY! This is awesome news! So very happy for you! Mandi FK
hi kris, jeni, stian and beautiful little silje! we are so very happy to hear about all of silje's recovery milestones. my, my what a sweet and strong little girl she is!
all our love,
dawn, kevin & quinn
I'm teary eyed. Just read the whole week's history. I'm so happy she's showing true grit and strength! She's stunning!
So many hugs sent your way!!! I remember bawling uncontrollably waiting for our lil' 5 day old Ari to be seen by the ped card... love, love, love to everyone!
Great job Silje----you are showing those doctors what you want!!!!! You are a beautiful tiny creation---I am far away but I think I know you a little more each day.
All is well. <3
Barb Rosamilia
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