We went to a park in Carmel, IN, which is near here. The park had a large man-made hill with huge stones leading up one face of it. This reminded Jeni and me of Avebury in England. What is it about large rocks that draws one in? There was also a playground and water area where people about Stian's age could splash and cool off in the warm weather. This was a surprisingly nice little park. We took a million pictures and I'm just going to go ahead and post a bunch below because the day was full of fun and sunshine.
Later in the afternoon, after Pam, Don and Stian had headed back north, and we got back over to the hospital, Silje had been making further steps in her progress. They increased her food volume again, we were able to do more bottle feeding and Jeni was able to nurse her; albeit after pumping off most of her supply--we don't want to waterboard our little one! Moreover, they removed the last needle from her little body when they took out her IV line. She has now only a lead to check heart and blood oxygen, and the feeding tube through her nose. She can wear her little outfit with both arms in the sleeves!
We still don't know how long we have to go, but if she continues to eat well, and the physical therapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT) folks say she's doing well, I don't imagine it will be that much longer. PT and OT don't work weekends and holidays, so we won't get a visit from them until Tuesday. In the meantime, we can continue to work on eating--and, of course, cuddling. We have spent hours with Silje in our arms and it has been great.
It is so wonderful to see our little girl without all the wires and IV lines. Stian looks so happy in the pictures. And granma and grandpa, too! So happy, happy that things are moving right along. Blessings on all of you.
You look amazing, Jeni! And could Stian look more like you?! What some sunshine and a park and family can do. Soon, soon, your whole family of four will be enjoying sunshine and a park.
I can tell by the message and the tone of it that a cloud over this family is lifting. We are so thrilled for you. You have all been troopers--Stian, Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Grandma and Silje.
I wish I could cook a good Scandinavian dinner for all of you unpon your return home--soon!
David and Leanne
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