Monday, May 30, 2011

Eating Progress

Silje continues to make good progress with her eating. During the day today she took almost all of her food orally, which is huge. Her 9:00 am feeding she took all 65 ml by bottle. At her noon feeding she nursed for awhile and then took some from the bottle. At 3:00 she nursed really well and didn't take anything from the bottle. And at 6:00 she nursed and then fell back asleep, so they did end up giving her some food through her tube because she hadn't nursed for very long before conking out. We'll see how she does overnight tonight. They told us this morning that she slept all night last night and they couldn't get her to wake up to take a bottle, so they fed her through the tube during the night.

She had a good day. She was awake for the most part from between 9:00 am and 3:30 pm, but then she fell asleep after her 3:00 pm feeding and woke up long enough to nurse a little at 6:00 and went back to sleep. Hopefully she will sleep well again tonight.

Otherwise it was a quiet day. Kris's coworker Jen stopped by for a visit. That was fun. Now that we are no longer terrified the days get a little long and boring. Especially over the long weekend when all of the therapists are off. Hopefully we'll get visits from the speech therapist, the physical therapist and the occupational therapist tomorrow. So a visit from Jen was a nice diversion in a quiet day. Silje slept through her visit though.

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