Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day Care

(I'll get to the Wisconsin leg of our trip, it'll just take a little time to sort through all the pictures)

Silje started day care today. I don't have any pictures, but I guess she did really well. She was just there for two hours today. But when I left she was smiling in Miss Tara's arms, and when I came back she was pretty much in the same state - though less smiling, and more tired looking, but she wasn't crying anyway. She napped for all of 5 minutes in Tara's arms. Hopefully they will be able to teach her how to take a proper nap. She was sure grumpy the rest of the day today. I'm not sure why. She finally fell asleep this evening in my arms while we I was outside pushing Stian on his glider and Kris was mowing the lawn. I guess like Stian did at this age, Silje likes really loud white noise! I hope she continutes to do well at school.

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