Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tummy Time

Silje was evaluated earlier this week to see if she qualifies for First Steps, which is an early intervention program. If she qualified she would get extra physical and occupational therapy at a pretty cheap price. But after spending about an hour with her, the physical therapist and the occupational therapist thought Silje was developmentally delayed, but not that delayed. So she didn't qualify for the program. I think that's both good and bad news. Good that she is good enough not to qualify, but she is delayed, so it would have been good to get her some therapy. But they gave me some things to work on with her and will be mailed me some more. So we've been doing our exercises every afternoon this week. She surprised me this afternoon by doing this:

I didn't know she could do this. She is on the Boppy, so she have more of her weight on her lower body than she would on the flat ground, making it easier to lift her head (this is one the exercises they suggested). But this is still really good to see. Her neck is definitely getting stronger!

By the way, the therapists just though she was delayed because she couldn't start tummy time until she was 6 weeks old. So her muscle tone is just lower than it should be. She should be able to catch up soon if we work with her.

1 comment:

laurafingerson said...

That is great news! She will catch up in no time.