Thursday, August 25, 2011


The therapists that were here last week suggested that we set Silje in the boppy under an activity gym to help her build up her arm strength reaching for the toys. She really appears to enjoy this, and will often happily sit in there batting at and grabbing at the toys. Kris was sitting with her this evening playing his guitar while she played, and he stopped to take some pictures.

While Kris and Silje were downstairs playing, Stian and I were upstairs playing with his emergency vehicles and putting out a fire at Huggy Bear's house. That was until Stian decided he wanted to go play guitar with Kris. He likes to play the ukelele while Kris plays the guitar. And he was fascinated by the harmonica holder, he had never seen that before and wanted to give that a try too. Stian has been really into musical instruments lately. I think we might need to pick one for him to start learning. He mentioned tonight that he wanted to learn to play the tuba, but I'm thinking he might be a tad small for that!

And then a video to hear him playing along with Kris. The ukelele is horribly out of tune, but it's still cute to hear him.


Carol said...

I love it!! It is never to early to have an interest in a musical instrument, but I do agree that a Tuba might be a little much. :~)

Grandma Loftus said...

I can definitely see see a budding musician there!! I wish Grandpa Bellinger could see them!!

And our little Silje doesn't have to do a thing to be adorable.

Carol Rickenbrode said...

actually, he was pretty good with the harmonica!

Grandma Loftius said...

I agree with Csarol! He came in right when he should and did a greaqt job!