Friday, August 12, 2011


Silje had an appointment with her neurologist on Tuesday. He examined her and thought she looked good. He also did an EEG. He said because she hasn't had any more seizures if the EEG came back normal, we could start weaning her off of the phenobarbital.

The EEG is painless, but Silje got rather fed up after awhile of lying there having a million electrodes attached to her head. But once they were attached she just laid in my arms for 30 minutes - she slept through much of it.

We got the results of the EEG this afternoon - it looked normal. So now we begin the weaning. The nurse I talked to today said she will have withdrawal symptoms, because she is an addict. So she advised taking weaning slowly. Her dose is 5 ml a day right now, and she said to reduce it by 0.5 ml a day each week. I hope the withdrawal isn't too hard on all of us. Her dose has been naturally decreasing over time as she now weighs about double what she did when she first started at this level. I'm curious to see what Silje is like off of the phenobarbital though. She's been on it since about a week after she was born.

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